CSC Security ® Manchester. Lone Worker Protection.

CSC-Securitys ® SOS Fob.

SOS Fob.

At CSC Security ®, We know that there are many considerations for an organisation looking to protect its lone workers. It’s vital to have a durable and reliable device that can be used in various risk scenarios by different groups of lone workers.

Our SOS Fob is the perfect device for lone workers. It deploys two key technologies—Global Positioning System (GPS), which can locate your lone worker in an emergency, and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), which allows workers to speak directly to operatives at the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).

We can supply the SOS Fob with a roaming multi-network SIM to ensure maximum signal coverage even in poor reception areas, including rural and coastal areas. And we’ve just introduced a 4G version of the SOS Fob to increase connectivity further.

With our SOS Fob, lone workers can immediately access the following safety features:
Red Alert
By pressing the prominent central SOS button, lone worker can open a call to the highly trained staff at the ARC, allowing real-time support and response.
Yellow Alert
Allows the lone worker to leave a pre-task message with our ARC team detailing their location and the activity they are about to undertake. This provides valuable information for our ARC team if a Red Alert is raised.
Yellow Timer
Similar to the Yellow Alert functionality but with the added benefit of automatically triggering an alert once a pre-configured time period expires.
Fall Detect
The SOS Fob uses shock sensors to register a fall from height, which triggers an alarm that our ARC team will pick up.
No Movement
The SOS Fob uses motion sensors to register movement. If movement is not detected within a given timeframe, an alarm is triggered that our ARC team will pick up.
Advanced assisted GPS Positioning allows operators to locate the lone worker and provide real-time positional information via our management portal.

CSC Security ® hold the following accreditations.

ISO9001 (International Standard for Quality Management Systems).
ISO14001 (International standard for Environmental Management Systems).
BS10800 (British Standard for the provision of Security Services).
BS7858 (British Standard for Security Screening of individuals employed in a Security Environment).
BS7499 (British Standard for the provision of Static Guarding Security Services).
CHAS (Health & Safety Accreditation).

For further information about our security services, or if you would like one of our security professionals to contact you, please contact us on 0808 155 7565.

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